What are the most common pests in Middle Tennessee?

There are many different pests that inhabit the Middle Tennessee region, but what are the most common pests we encounter? Termites, spiders, and ants are among the most common pests in the Lebanon and Middle Tennessee area. Continue reading below as we learn more about these local pests.

Most Common Middle Tennessee Pests

  • Termites
  • Spiders
  • Ants
  • Fleas and Ticks
  • Bees, Wasps, and Hornets
  • Flies
  • Mosquitoes


Termites are unlike other pests in that they inflict harm on your home and cause significant damage. Termite damage can be very expensive to repair which is why it’s best to call pest control as soon as you notice any signs of termites. Signs of termites include:

  • visible tunnels or damage to wood
  • termite droppings
  • soft tapping sound inside walls
  • hollow sounding timber
  • tight-fitting doors or hard-to-open windows
  • piles of sawdust


Spiders come in a variety of species but there are a few types we see most often in Middle Tennessee.

  • Grass spiders
  • Orb weaver spiders
  • Woodlouse hunter spiders
  • Wolf spiders
  • Black widows
  • Brown recluse spiders
  • Long-bodied cellar spiders (daddy long-legs)

If you notice any spiders in your home, especially any poisonous ones, you need to call a pest control company immediately. Other signs of spiders include egg sacs, spider webs, spider droppings, and spider sightings.


The four main types of ants we see in Tennessee include carpenter ants, fire ants, little black ants, and odorous house ants (tapinoma sessile).

  • Carpenter Ants – These ants find damaged or rooting wood to make nests in. If these ants are discovered in or around your home, you may find you have structural damage. These ants are also difficult to get rid of because it requires finding and destroying all of their colonies.
  • Fire Ants – You do not want to mess with these ants and their powerful sting. Fire ants are very territorial and aggressive in nature. If they see something as a threat they will attack in multitudes.
  • Little Black Ants – Though little black ants are not harmful like the previous two mentioned, they are hard to eradicate. Searching for food, they can find themselves inside your home and if not stopped immediately, their colony will follow their path.
  • Odorous House Ants – These harmless ants are similar to little black ants in that they come into your home to find food and water. However, these ants have an unpleasant smell when squished (like bad coconut). Odorous house ants are also very hard to eliminate for good.

Fleas and Ticks

Fleas and ticks are not only harmful to your pets but can be to you as well. Ticks can carry certain diseases such as Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever which can be very serious and even deadly for humans. For humans, you will usually find a flea or tick on you. For your pets, it can be hard to know if fleas or ticks are affecting them. Here are a few signs to look for:

  • Hair loss
  • Scabs
  • Itching
  • Pale gums
  • Rash
  • Loss of appetite

Bees, Wasps, and Hornets

In Middle Tennessee and in our local Lebanon area, we can identify a few different types of bees, wasps, and hornets.

  • Paper wasps
  • Bald-Faced Hornets
  • Yellow Jackets
  • Red Wasps
  • Sweat Bee
  • Bumble Bee
  • Carpenter Bee

If you see any chewed wood, nests, wasps inside your home, or buzzing noises you may have a bee, wasp or hornet problem. Please contact a pest control service immediately.


Flies can pose an annoying and potentially dangerous problem in your Tennessee home. These insects can spread disease through their feces or vomit so a fly problem should be taken very seriously. Diseases that can be spread by flies include typhoid, cholera, pinworm, roundworm, and tapeworm. Removing any rotting produce, garbage, and making sure all food is sealed tightly can help prevent and get rid of flies. If you have an existing fly problem, please give us a call so we can be of service.


    Lastly, one of the most common pests we see in Middle Tennessee and the Lebanon area is the mosquito. These pests can be a hassle, especially when you want to enjoy your outdoor space. Tennessee provides the perfect climate for mosquitoes – humidity, heat, water, and shade.

    Mosquitoes can also be carriers of diseases so they are not ideal to have around you, your family, or your pets.

    Do you have a pest problem at your Middle Tennessee home?

    If you are experiencing a problem with one of these insects please contact us directly or fill out the form on our Get a Quote page. We would love to provide pest control services for you and give much needed peace of mind.